Guest Blog: Consent as a Breakthrough Version of Consensus

Tom Atlee, Founder, Co-Intelligence Institute recently sent me some emails on the topic of consent and consensus. I enjoyed his perspective so much, I asked him if I could post what he wrote. He agreed, and here it is: Tom Atlee: I have only recently gotten a good...

We Want Real Change. So Now What? 5 constructive steps.

This is Part 2 of a series in response to the US elections, and Brexit.  Read Part 1: The Path Forward is Under Our Feet In the aftermath of the U.S. elections, one thing is clear: Most Americans are remarkably in agreement with the idea that the current political and...

Consent is a Third Option

  Why not majority rule? Why not consensus? People often think there are only two choices for how we make governance decisions: majority voting or consensus. Most people don’t realize that circles of decision-makers (“circles”) have a third option –...

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